At John Paul II, we begin literacy support and learning in our LUDO program, from three years old. The earlier literacy issues are assessed and determined, the better. Early preventative programs are used along with our whole school approach to reduce the number of students who may need support. We support all learning needs in a ‘Response to Intervention’ model to promote growth and development.
Explicit mathematics programs are delivered to support the specific learning needs of all students. We teach lessons in different ways to ensure it is both accessible and challenging to all levels of ability. Adjustments are made in the content, methods used and the expected outcomes from students to ensure they receive the education they need to develop and succeed.
John Paul II directly engages with a Speech and Language Pathologist to support students who experience difficulties with speech sounds, speaking, listening, understanding language, reading and writing.
John Paul II supports students from a diverse range of backgrounds, focussing on English language competency. This improves their curriculum level outcomes and enables them to fully participate in school. Our teaching and learning programs are differentiated to show the language learning needs of EAL/D students.
We have a specialist learning support teacher, speech therapist, a psychologist and one school counsellor on site to support students. The School also liaises with specialist service providers in the areas of speech and language development; occupational therapists and physiotherapists; psychologists and social workers; as well as referring students for further educational assessments where required.
Every child is nurtured by our friendly and caring team as their individual needs are met through the facilitation of our learning support programs.